You will want to mark your calendar for the upcoming Heritage Day to be held on Sat. Feb. 4th at Burlington Central Library. This year the theme is The War of 1812 and it's 200th year commemoration.
An exciting line-up of speakers has been organized:
- 10:30 am Zig Miziak speaking about the War of 1812 and the Six Nations
- 11:30 am Daphne Smith speaking about Burlington Connections to the War of 1812-14
- 12:30 pm Jane Irwin presenting on The Brants in Burlington
- 1:30 pm Fred Blair talks about the 2nd Regiment of York Militia focusing on the Burlington men
- 2:30 pm Jim Taggert will focus on Everyday Life in 1812 : Medicine, Clothing and Values
In addition there will be many heritage displays - Beach Canal Lighthouse Group, Doors Open Burlington, Freeman Station Group and the War of 1812-14 Commemorative Committee to name just a few. Admittance is free! Central Library is at 2331 New Street between Guelph Line and Drury Lane. There is plenty of free parking available.
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