A little known, but extremely useful local history resource is now available for researchers online. The Burlington Index has been in print for years, with new information being constantly added, but until now, few researchers knew about it. Now you can find it on the Burlington Public Library website, under the Local History section. This subject index is a retrieval tool for the library's non-digitized materials primarily located in the Burlington History Room at Central Library. Much of the content is only reached by using this resource. Indexed items include an extensive vertical file collection of
uncatalogued pamphlets, newspaper clippings, scrapbooks, Tweedsmuir Histories and other materials donated by current or former citizens of Burlington or assembled by Library staff. Once you find items of interest you can come into Central Library and ask to use the materials within the library (photocopying is available). Otherwise you can phone 905-639-3611 ext 138 for futher assistance or e-mail askalibrarian[at]bpl.on.ca.